Petite Shoe Show, curated by Kyvèli Zoi, serves as the first step into a world of characters, both imaginary and existing, that are revealed only through the uniqueness of their shoes. Each one of the artists in this collective show, utilises the shoe in a personalised fashion to explore many of the subject’s deeper meanings.
Although a very common object in our lives, it holds a very significant role in how it determines our presentation, but also our posture, balance and connection to the ground below us. Much inspiration can be drawn to the theme, from Van Gogh’s boots, and Philip Guston’s gigantic shoe, as well as Andy Warhol’s shoe polaroids and Genesis Belanger’s ceramic heels. Shoes are what carry us around and secure our feet for the journey that awaits us, an idea which is evident in all the works included in this exhibition. Through photography, painting, sculpture and drawing, each one of the artists utilises the subject to portray a further vision of the world than just that of the object, making this show a metaphorical portal to their intimate views and perspectives.
With works by Adrianna Glaviano, Jules Linglin, Nathaniel Matthews, Anne-Sophie Matrella, Alexander Lee Page, Chloé Royer and Kyvèli Zoi.